Last night, I went to a holiday party during which our hosts introduced a local organization they are involved with that brings art and music to public schools. Two young beneficiaries of the organization who are about 6 and 10 years old, sat down at the grand piano to play two songs in an amazing duet. One was “Memory” from the musical Cats and the other was the holiday carol, “Do You Hear What I Hear?”.  I had goosebumps the entire time. Everyone in the room was still and completely captivated by the music.  These boys were incredibly talented.  I was standing next to a man who was videotaping them. I asked if they were his sons and upon confirmation that one of them was, I told him he must feel so proud. He smiled and nodded with bright, shiny eyes.

It was such a feel good 15 minutes. Upon introducing these boys, it was explained that their school district – as is the case in too many across our country – has cut funding for arts and music. The community in which the boys live do not have the resources to fill that funding need. But with the support of the nonprofit, children were being introduced to music. These two boys have been recruited to attend a national program which will further open doors for them to pursue their talent.

Which goes to show that promise is everywhere….in Seattle and yes, even in Vietnam. When nonprofits can play such an important role in helping kids find a way to reach their potential… whether it is music appreciation or learning to hear and speak or some other area, well….anything is possible.