It felt a bit like visiting the home of good friends when we arrived at Children’s Hospital 1 today for the start of our latest Mobile Mission program. The room was filled with familiar faces of the therapists and audiology technicians who have been enrolled in our program for the past 3 years and have been working diligently to apply the lessons from our curricula into their daily work. The ENT doctors filed into the room in their white coats with big smiles, eager to hear from our team of professionals.
Meanwhile, the audiology technicians and ENT doctors listened to Jane Madell and Myriam de la Asuncion lecture about cochlear implant technology and pediatric testing protocols. Tomorrow, we start bringing children into the booth for practicum in behavioral testing and evaluation. Myriam will coach the participants on mapping strategies for children with cochlear implants. Jay Rubinstein will lecture to the ENT doctors on cochlear implant surgical procedures with live surgery scheduled later in the week. Let’s get this started!