Eight months of planning came to a head today as we kicked off our Mobile Mission with our first stop at Children’s Hospital 1 in Ho Chi Minh City. Lauri Nelson, Jac
que Patton, Judy Simser, Lea Watson, and Jim Watson will be training 20 medical professionals, 25 therapists, and 30 families for the next week about pediatric audiology and auditory verbal practice.
Things started off with a welcome ceremony with everyone gathered in a room to celebrate the start of this training week. We’ve got folks from all parts of the country here taking part and it was exciting to be a part of the energy and positive good will. The Director of Children’s Hospital 1 gave a litle speech….
After the ceremony, the day was devoted to introductory presentations and small group breakouts. Here is Judy in action…
As the week goes on, we’ll be doing lots of practicum and engagement with children with hearing loss who receive services here to help the Vietnamese build on concepts in auditory-verbal therapy. The doctors will be learning about diagnostic audiology and testing protocols and the technicians about advanced use of audiology equipment. We’ve got a full schedule and we’re all looking forward to the days ahead. Much more to come!