Global Involvement

Global Foundation For Children With Hearing Loss Executive Director, Paige Stringer, has been involved with the World Health Organization since 2015 to help raise awareness for hearing loss globally and encourage governments to address the hearing loss condition among their citizens.
Paige has been engaged in various WHO committees on ear and hearing care in Geneva over the years. She also served on the advisory group for the WHO Resolution and World Report on Hearing, which was committed to facilitating implementation of the World Health Assembly resolution WHA70.13 on “Prevention of Deafness and Hearing Loss”.
She also resided in Geneva for a few months in 2019 to lead the development of the communications strategy for the inaugural release of the WHO World Report on Hearing. This data-driven resource covers hearing loss across the entire life span and recommends interventions to address it. It is intended as an advocacy and educational tool for policy makers and government agencies around the world to encourage incorporation of ear and hearing care into national health plans.
In addition to Paige’s contributions, the Global Foundation for Children With Hearing Loss is proud to be among the first members of the WHO World Hearing Forum.
The WHO World Hearing Forum is a global network of organizations promoting ear and hearing care. We fully support its vision of “a world where everyone – including those at risk of, or living with, hearing loss – can achieve their full potential.”
Our work aligns with the WHO mandate by helping to ensure babies and young children with hearing loss globally have access to the locally-based Continuum of Care that they need to thrive.

The World Health Organization and its World Hearing Forum have highlighted successful Changemakers from around the world to inspire people towards action to achieve ear and hearing care for all.
As part of World Hearing Day 2024, Executive Director Paige Stringer was selected along with other such Changemakers for a WHO photo exhibition to raise awareness for the positive impact of timely identification and management of hearing issues.
Click on the poster to read Paige’s story.